Tuesday, September 20, 2011

this is a book. a sad, boring book.

Let me tell you the extent of my life. It doesn't feel real...while I'm living it. And then, when I sit back and try to breathe, it's hard to believe I'm at the point I am in my life. I don't feel like I'm living..and it's because I'm too gosh dang busy and doing nothing I actually want to do.

This is me laughing. It doesn't happen very often while during the school year....

...Because school makes me unhappy...unless Mr. Gluba is there.

I'm practically 22 and I've done nothing creatively productive. And for the practical side of things, I've also done nothing productive that will actually get me anywhere I want to go. So, so far, we have a failure. ha.

What I'm not doing right now that I "should" be: Reading "The Merchant of Venice," taking a quiz over it, doing Managerial Accounting, writing a story, reading another story, the list could go on.

So, I'm going to get married...yeah, that happened in the past 10 months I haven't blogged. Ryan was the one who asked me, in case you were wondering. And I'm sad because planning is going extremely wrong since I don't just have a huge open field with electricity. My plans...I have too many of them..and I'm not going to begin to share any on this publicly viewable blog.

Right now, I'm like a running machine...Cranking out the miles effortlessly. Okay, not effortlessly..most nights I feel like I will die, but 'tis great nonetheless. Tomorrow night 6 miles. (and you pronounce that "seis me-lays.")

It's almost time for Ryan's Birthday again. Can you believe it? I cannot. Which sucks because I'm poor...but I'm actually not poor because I'm just saving money and not spending it..but that makes me feel poor. Which is A-OK with me!

At this very moment, I feel like running around in my yard with Macy. She's a cool dog that misses my daily presence. hmm...today I saw a girl that looked like Pocahontas. I kid you not...the whole get-up and she had brown skin. It was silly.

So concluding this solitary blog post, I realize I just wasted about 45 minutes of my own time and 5 minutes of yours! I guess we're even.

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