Friday, September 21, 2012

Well, I get married tomorrow.  Unbelievable.  ...BUT  I have about 50 million things to do today.  Why, procrastinatory life, why?!

I love Ryan.  Simple.

I also love God.  ...Even simpler, because he's easy to love.

Can't wait to blog it up on here after the wedding..

peace, love, and shalom.

-Carli Matthews

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

14 mark

I ran 14 miles last night. FOURTEEN....Okay then! The impossible is possible only with God....and the possible is impossible without him. (I hadn't been running really in a couple months up until 2 weeks ago....totally not conditioned in the slightest, but God allowed it, because I knew he would. Incredible! I asked him to bless my legs...and he did more than that!)

I'm skipping school tomorrow. Who needs learning when you have a wedding in a week and a half!? I'm hoping everything comes together spectacularly. I hope it is so beautiful...and SO FUN! Life is what you make it, ya know!

In many ways, I am dying for the wedding process to be over with so I can just be married and less stressed. I just want to take photos and make music and write to my heart's content. I can't even describe my dreams to you. Life will be good.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Happiness in cul-de-sacs

One day, I'll live on a cul-de-sac and be happy.

I want to be in the city. Oh, the city. Where adventure lies. Where people tell lies. I want to explore the broken down things. And marvel at the new things. I will move to New York, I tell you. Feel what all the people felt when they decided New York City would be their home destination. I'll shop Time Square and when a stranger asks me what time it is, I'll simply reply with a shrug, because who wears a watch these days? When my time is up, I'll move to leftest of coasts and be with my friend, Los Angeles for some time. Smoothly, I'll roll down the sidewalks on my longboard in the shortest of shorts with the loosest of tanks. I'll feel pleasant breezes on my face and taste that hint of salt in the air each evening and morning and there in between. It will fill my veins with peace.

At last, I'll head back to the East Coast to my destination city. MY destination city, Boston. Become a Celtics fan and romanticize their golden architecture. Get lost in a cul-de-sac as snow piles around me and my giant wool scarf. I will point people in the directions of my favorite coffee shops and park. This is my sacred place. And by my side for all of this, there'll be a man. A man that no one else could fathom matching up to. And as Dashboard has said it before, he'll be "the best one of the best ones." And, as lazy days come to an end, we will sigh in relief because we made it.

No one can beat it.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

goodbye, hello, hello.

It's been a good thing to realize I am growing up and away from the past. Still, it's not the most simple of tasks. I've been going through a ton of old stuff - papers, school work from high school and early college, photos, writings, etc. Some of it brings back good laughs and smiles, and others are hard to look at and remember. Flipping through pictures of old friends who aren't by my side anymore is sometimes relieving and other times depressing. I had a bulletin board covered with photos of my "best friends" 4 years ago, and most of those friendships have diminished...some of them for the best and others I still don't understand. It's time to quit questioning why.

Today, God has placed amazing people in my life.

I'm not the closest to some, but I am so grateful for them. Many are from my church and others are from Taylor U. and Mexico. I know that even though time and distance keeps us apart, they are still a strong support system...even if we don't talk for months on end. They are still constantly in my thoughts and I know I could count on them.

Then there are a few that I have grown very close to over the past couple years. I'm not very close to a ton of people; I have quiet weekends and busy weekdays and the majority of my "social" life revolves around my dogs and cats (haha) and my family. Obviously, Ryan is my best friend. And I'm glad to have him always by my side. Only 2 more weeks till our wedding day! We're cool kids...learning the things you do in your teens, in our twenties! We are young at heart. And I've grown particularly close to my old grade school friend, Jennifer. She's been one of the few people who actually bother to know what's going on in my life and has always been dependable in the small things. Can't wait to have her by my side at my and Ryan's wedding! And she thinks I'm weird. But I'll take it.

It's getting cooler...which means it's going to be fall soon. I freaking love fall. All things magical happen in the fall.

I know I'm getting older, but this is still my theme song.

Soon I'll be a wedded wife and less stressed. I will take good, fall, Carli-like photos and write sad prose and I'll be so happy.

Good day.

peace, love, and shalom.


"We're the coolest kids and we take what we can get."

"You know me. Or you think you do. You just don't seem to see. I've been waiting all this time to be, something I can't define."

"You know the night life is just not for me, because all you really need are a few good friends."

"I don't know why you say goodbye. I say hello."

Things Learned. Idea-Man fails again!

As I write today, I sit with my feet dangling into my warm pool. I should be swimming right about now. I'm using this as my stress reliever.

So far, these are the things I've learned the past few weeks (maybe a few I've always known):

I am Idea-Man. I think of weird, great ideas often and rapidly. Downfall: my mind moves too fast for me to attempt to concentrate on my ideas to execute them properly...hence, my next point.

I am a bad wedding-planner-executor. My wedding would be flawless and ridiculously awesome if I could paint the world that is in my head for reality to see.

I have only a few good friends. (I mean, the ones who really get me.) I am not a social butterfly. I've never planned to be. And I prefer real community with a few, rather than shallow interaction with a multitude. This will always be.

I love education...only if it's quality. At least one of my professors this semester, I can already say, will be one of the best teachers I've ever had. He is leader and I look forward to gaining good insight from him while I have the opportunity. Though I hate assignments and all the extra junk that comes hand in hand with collegiate life, I love learning.

I need my music. I need to write (and not this life blog crap either, but truly write). I need to take beautiful photos. I need to run. And when I do these things, I feel like I'm doing what I was made to do.

I freaking like jelly beans. I busted into a bag that is supposed to be for the wedding. I couldn't resist. I ate so many. My stomach hurts now. Simplicity.


The impossible is possible...only with God. And the possible is impossible without him. I've been inconsistent (as I've been my whole life) this summer with my running schedule. I hadn't been running but a few times for short distances (maybe 2-4 miles 4 or 5 times) since the beginning of June. I was in a bad predicament, because I had a 10 mile run on Labor Day. I told myself I should probably try to run if I was going to even think about finishing the Labor Day race. Well, a week before I set out to do five, not thinking my body would be able to physically make it, since I'm not in shape at all. I ran nine. It was pretty unbelievable. God blessed my legs. Needless to say, I did the Chris Bohl's run and it was absolutely fantastic. Now, on to the Rock 'n' Roll!

Alright. Until next time, Cheers!


"You could list your friends, but you can't count on them."

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

(another boring life update) ...And a Grandfather's Passing

....Right now I'm feeling so thankful for being literate. Boy, how much we take for granted!

Besides wedding things consuming my mind, so many other things are going on!!! I am a jumbled mess; but that is typical for me.

I'm currently watching Chris Christie give a pretty decent speech. Pretty empowering rhetoric. ...and ideas. (Sorry, I'm more right than left...Don't argue with me.)

School is here again, and in turn, so is the stress. Pile on the work! People applauded for me when I said I was getting married in four weeks during our student intros. Silliness! I do think that this is going to be the best semester thus far. My professors know what's up.

We got back about a week and half ago from San Diego. Oh man, such a good week. Way too short. Way too awesome. I took over 2200 photos........yeah. I should probably delete at least half of them. Still need to upload the last 6 days to my computer and get them edited. I want to do a full photo blog about our trip (so I can go back and remember), but I'll have to save that for another night.

I haven't been playing too much guitar and piano or doing much writing, which is pretty sad, but it's an even busier time than usual for me. Picked up my guitar last week...and it was a good time of worship. No wonder why I miss it so dearly.

I am really excited for my friend Jordan Connell who has recently started an organization, TEAM 314, to help conquer youth homelessness. He is literally running across the nation in hopes of raising awareness and being an inspiration to make a difference. All goes to the glory of God. TEAM 314 has been planning the last several months for this journey that will begin September 15th. Wish I could be a bigger part of the team, but I've got my duties here, to say the least. I truly hope that this effort will reach many people. ...and hopefully it will inspire others to get involved with whatever mission/problem is on their heart, whether for homelessness or something drastically different. We all have our specific callings, we just have to respond to them. Here's TEAM 314's site.

On another note, the morning after we arrived home from vacation, my Grandpa Matthews passed away in his sleep. Really sad. He was a good dad, husband, and Grandpa.

Even through losing one-hundred percent of his sight when my dad was very little, my grandpa had strong faith and was a very joyful man. He was deeply loved. He always laughed about things and had a positive attitude...which I'm sure my crazy Grandma helped him with. The image I will never forget is of Grandpa always holding on to Grandma's arm or shoulder as she would lead him from place to place. Such an awesome relationship of love and trust that takes. I hope for the same receive and to give.
It'll be sad not to see him around anymore.

Hope to write again soon. Don't hold me to it, though. :)

peace, love, and shalom.
