Tuesday, August 28, 2012

(another boring life update) ...And a Grandfather's Passing

....Right now I'm feeling so thankful for being literate. Boy, how much we take for granted!

Besides wedding things consuming my mind, so many other things are going on!!! I am a jumbled mess; but that is typical for me.

I'm currently watching Chris Christie give a pretty decent speech. Pretty empowering rhetoric. ...and ideas. (Sorry, I'm more right than left...Don't argue with me.)

School is here again, and in turn, so is the stress. Pile on the work! People applauded for me when I said I was getting married in four weeks during our student intros. Silliness! I do think that this is going to be the best semester thus far. My professors know what's up.

We got back about a week and half ago from San Diego. Oh man, such a good week. Way too short. Way too awesome. I took over 2200 photos........yeah. I should probably delete at least half of them. Still need to upload the last 6 days to my computer and get them edited. I want to do a full photo blog about our trip (so I can go back and remember), but I'll have to save that for another night.

I haven't been playing too much guitar and piano or doing much writing, which is pretty sad, but it's an even busier time than usual for me. Picked up my guitar last week...and it was a good time of worship. No wonder why I miss it so dearly.

I am really excited for my friend Jordan Connell who has recently started an organization, TEAM 314, to help conquer youth homelessness. He is literally running across the nation in hopes of raising awareness and being an inspiration to make a difference. All goes to the glory of God. TEAM 314 has been planning the last several months for this journey that will begin September 15th. Wish I could be a bigger part of the team, but I've got my duties here, to say the least. I truly hope that this effort will reach many people. ...and hopefully it will inspire others to get involved with whatever mission/problem is on their heart, whether for homelessness or something drastically different. We all have our specific callings, we just have to respond to them. Here's TEAM 314's site.

On another note, the morning after we arrived home from vacation, my Grandpa Matthews passed away in his sleep. Really sad. He was a good dad, husband, and Grandpa.

Even through losing one-hundred percent of his sight when my dad was very little, my grandpa had strong faith and was a very joyful man. He was deeply loved. He always laughed about things and had a positive attitude...which I'm sure my crazy Grandma helped him with. The image I will never forget is of Grandpa always holding on to Grandma's arm or shoulder as she would lead him from place to place. Such an awesome relationship of love and trust that takes. I hope for the same kind....to receive and to give.
It'll be sad not to see him around anymore.

Hope to write again soon. Don't hold me to it, though. :)

peace, love, and shalom.


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